The subversion of gender notions in the construction of the characters Gina and Moeirão:

analyses and deployment


  • Vinicius Shindy Takahashi Freres UNIFESP


Trans literature, Ruiva, Praça Mauá, character, short story


In this article we propose to verify the ways in which the non-conformity to the cisheteronormative notions of “man” and “woman” manifests itself in the development of the characters Gina, from the short story “Ruiva” [1978] written by Júlio César Monteiro Martins and Moleirão, from Clarice Lispector’s short story Praça Mauá [1974], considering that each of the characters, by adopting performative acts that subvert such notions, destabilize sexual norms. The theoretical assumptions that underlie and support the characterizations and analyses of the characters are those presented by Anatol Rosenfeld (2007), Antonio Candido (2007) and Arnaldo Franco Junior (2003).

Author Biography

Vinicius Shindy Takahashi Freres, UNIFESP

Bacharelando em Letras, com habilitação em Português e Inglês pela Universidade Federal de São Paulo (EFLCH/UNIFESP). Tem experiência na área de Letras, com ênfase em tradução poética. E-mail: Orcid: 0000-0002-1552-2528.

